Finlandia-katsaus 680
Altri titoli: Finlandia Survey No 680
Genere: lyhyt katsaus / Newsreel
Anno: 1964
Durata: 08: 23 :00
Descrizione: The newsreel covers, for example, the return of Unto-Pekka Matikainen, a soldier in the Finnish UN battalion on Cyprus, to Finland in a coffin clad with the flag of the UN at the end of May 1964. He was the first Finn to die in UN peacekeeping operations. He was killed in a skirmish with Turkish Cypriots north of Nicosia. KOP’s new branch office in the bank building in Turku. Premiere of Matkustaja (‘Passenger’) at Kino Palatsi Cinema. Ismo Kajander’s exhibition at Agora Art Gallery. Reception on the national day of Czechoslovakia at the embassy. Distinctions of Children’s Film Centre to Kosmos-Filmi and Suomi-Filmi. Grants of the visual art section of the Opintorahastoyhdistys student grant association given out at Strindberg art salon. Finnish Red Cross celebrates Mr Virtanen, who has donated blood on 200 occasions. Bantamweight boxer Pierre Vetroff arrives in Finland. Trade agreement between Finland and Poland. The new ambassador of Mexico presenting his credentials to the president. The remains of Unto-Pekka Matikainen, the Finnish soldier who died in Cyprus, arrive in Finland.
Parole chiave: rauhanturvaajat / kaatuneet / taidenäyttelyt / Kajander, Ismo / verenluovutus / peace keepers / fallen soldiers / art exhibitions / Kajander, Ismo / blood donations
Fonte esterna: Kansallinen Audiovisuaalinen Arkisto
Casa di produzione: Suomi-Filmi Oy
Colori: Black & White
Sound: With sound
Tipo documento:
Formato originale: Video/mpeg
Language: fi